It is recommended setting up the port and IP rules before beginning this configuration procedure. Note that incorrect port / IP setup can cause the verification process to fail.
To configure LU2000 / LU4000 MMH server software
Log in to the server and at the user prompt, type liveu.
At the password prompt, type 123123.
The LiveU MMH Configuration shortcut is displayed on your monitor.
Double-click the LiveU MMH Configuration shortcut.
The following screen is displayed.
Press ENTER to continue.
The following screen is displayed.
Make sure that Wizard Flow is highlighted, then press ENTER.
The Wizard Setup dialog box displays the steps you need to complete.
Press ENTER to run the setup.
The following screen is displayed.
Press TAB to select the connected network device (ETH1), then press ENTER.
The following screen is displayed.
Depending on your local IP requirements, select one of the following:
DHCP: All sections are entered automatically
Manual: All sections are entered manually.
IP: Type the IP address that your network administrator has set for the MMH server.
Netmask: Enter the net mask used by the MMH server.
Gateway: Enter the IP address of the gateway used by the MMH server.
DNS1 and DNS2: Enter the IP addresses of the DNS servers the MMH server uses.
Consult your network administrator to confirm the correct values for each of these fields.
No IP: Used only with the Dell 3930 server when vPRO remote functionality is supported.
- Press ENTER.
The following screen is displayed.
Press ENTER.
The following screen is displayed.
If necessary, press TAB to No and press ENTER.
The following screen is displayed.
If necessary, press TAB to select NO and then press ENTER.
The following screen is displayed.
Press ENTER to start the registration process.
The following screen is displayed.
If the message that the server is already registered does not appear, contact LiveU support.
Press ENTER.
The following screen is displayed.
Press ENTER to indicate that you want to configure channels / instances.
The following screen is displayed.
On your keyboard, press the required number of channels / instances - 1, 2, 3 or 4 - and then press ENTER.
The following screen is displayed.
Check that the port range you plan to use for video and for IFB is correct.
See LU2000 / LU4000 MMH server network requirements
It is recommended that you check with your network administrator that the selected port range is open.
The following screen is displayed.
Press ENTER to confirm that the SSH port is blocked by the firewall.
The following screen is displayed.
Configure the following external ports as follows:
- External Video Preview TCP port
- External File Server and M-Jpeg port
- Fail-safe MMH-Unit control TCP port
Press ENTER.
The following screen is displayed.
Press ENTER.
The following screen is displayed.
Press TAB to select Configure to configure all required instances/channels, then press ENTER.
The following screen displays the port for the selected channel.
Press ENTER.
The following screen is displayed.
Press ENTER to enable the system to verify the configuration.
If the system verifies that the ports are open, the following screen is displayed.
The following screen is displayed.
Press ENTER.
The following screen is displayed.
Verifying the LU2000 / LU4000 MMH server configuration
To verify the LU2000 / LU4000 MMH server configuration:
In LU Central, make sure that MMH server is selected in the left pane, under Type.
It's recommended to deselect all other servers.
Hover over the MANAGE tab at the top of the page and then select Devices.
The following screen is displayed. The MMH server you configured has been added to the list.
next to the server name indicates that the server is now online.
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